#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; } pebbles&shoots: Adventures in Brighton

17 April 2012

Adventures in Brighton

Seafront. That has a nice ring to it. Cue Seaside by The Kooks and me strolling along the pebbled English beach of Brighton. Fancy right? Yeah I really enjoyed Brighton.

We booked a cheap Megabus and within a few hours we were out of the land of tall builidngs and power walkers and pacing up and down the pier at a dangerously leisurely pace. Somehow the ocean seems even bigger after being surrounded by all of the tight streets and huge buildings in London and I didn't realize how much I had missed that much open space. We walked basically the entire length of the seafront and I made a valiant effort at skipping rocks in the ocean. And failed. We posed for pictures with a giant doughnut -- the mascot of Brighton as far as I can tell. We bought fresh seafood from a vender's cart. #teamcrayfish. We stopped for fish and chips like good little Londoners and listened to some live music and walked into shops that smelled like chocolate and into shops like smelled too much like cheese even for my taste and we sat in the grass under a magical fairy tree and thought about how strange it is to be going home soon. We got a free can of Fanta and talked about Basset hounds and ended the day in a pub. It was a good day.

Did I mention that I ate a waffle on a stick?

Day trips are fun.

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